Sunday, 4 January 2009

Mouse Pad!¬

Hello all,

Ive decided to dedicate a post to my Mouse Pad. its been with me for SO long, it guided me through my CS massacres, though my 24-hr Maple Run, enabling me to mass produce my Zerg army in Star Craft, giving me comfort while i slash my enemies in War Craft 3, and also leading me to sweet blissful victory in DotA, not to mentioned the number of competitions that took it with me (which i lost heauheuahea). Behold! my MOUSE PAD!

Yes Ladies and Gentlemen, i know you are at Awe as you feast yer eyes on the greatness of my MOUSE PAD!... well that aside YES bloody Hell its a BOOK! *cries*, its my multimedia book that i had when i was studying in college... my mouse didnt detect the table very well, and the back of my book did the trick, surprisingly it feels AWESOME! and ive used it ever since heuahueaheua guess my teachers were rite, Books are not useless =) u juz have to know how to use it.

And if u flip back, u can see the title of the Book!! heuahuheauhaeuheauheah

well ive got other mousepads, 1 at the office, my Oversized Razer for Control gaming mat (yea i need mouse support at work zzzz) the 2nd one is my new Scared-down Razer Goliathus gaming mat for control ( and amongst all, id still love to use my book)

Thx for dropping by ^^
