Thursday, 19 February 2009

Project 1!¬ meet my Desktop Computer ^^


Had my 2 weeks leave and tot its about time i "continued" (well actually to start) on my Desktop Project. Its and old un-used computer from back when i was in college and now ive revived it and replaced some parts that were not working. tool a good week, bought some stuff and a really good vision to get this started! heuahuehaea my brother gave me a helping hand and my dad was happy enuf to give comments and support Hueahuhea.

The specs arent that good, but hey its a 7 year old computer with parts either older or as old. So these are the things i put into the machine:

1 Maxtor Hard Drive (80 Gig maybe, IDE)
1 Asus mother board
An AMD Athlon Processor (I think ) 1.8 Ghz Overclock to 2.7 Ghz
A GeForce II Graphic Card (bought it in 2002) 128 Video Ram
1 256MB Kingston Ram Stick , DDR SD (ok, i HAVE no more ram of this kind bah...sigh wish could upgrade it)
1 CD Rom Drive (got it from me dad"s old CD Rom wasnt working...sigh)
1 USB Hub (Heuaheuhea it looked Cool to have on)
2 sheets of PlexiGlass (did i spell it correctly?)
6 long screws and nuts
4 inch x 6 stainless steel seperators
2 neon viso bulbs
a bunch of wires, tapes on/off and reset switches i ripped out from my old casing

and here u go, the Pics!

Ignore the monitor and keyboard, those are temporary ^^

And i powered it up!" yea man Kick ass!

Back view

Thats the Processor, and i placed the Lights near the bother board... tot it would look cool

...and i can use the CD Rom ontop! heuahuehauhea couldnt fix it anywhere esle, not enuf cable lenght...

Well guys, thats abt it for now, heuahuehaea im constantly getting new stock of 2nd hand laptops, and ive sold some, so do check up on my blog once in a while hueahueah ^^
