Thursday, 10 December 2009

Been away for so Long :p Lots of things happened!

Things are slow rite now but lots happened since my last update, just to let u know, my Behemoth is not working well - the graphic card i put in didnt last long, so now im hunting for a replacement gpu zzzz.

So many things to update, but i guess ill start with whats been going on in DIGI LIFE (before i go to the Juicy deals and gadgets LOL!~) - bz at work (yea nothing new there) but ive been playing Dota frequently at Gadong. Less Garena, i think i prefer playing with friends at Lan nite. Rite now ive got 3 to 4 lan Groups OMFG!

1) Old School Mates
2) Office mate and his friends
3) The TFF team
4) A 1 time thing with a colleague and his friends who were also my neighbourhood aquaintences (played Killing Floor)
Since my Behemoth failed me (again ...) i had to find other alternatives to game, bought a Gateway 14inch laptop... was not the same, so left it with my brother to use for work. Ttowards the end of the Year, 27th November 2009 The TFF team had their Lan Parties (details at ) and i needed a computer, so i Bought myself a KICK ASS!!! TFF PACKAGE RIG! (ill post details about it if u want to purchase one). Hueahuhaeuhae The Rig was awesome LOL!~
We gamed 2 days staright (well i had 4 hrs sleep that weekend :p ) so many games so little time! heauhuaeh i only had time to play :
  • Left 4 Dead 2
  • Dota
  • Killing Floor
  • Hidden
  • Team Fotress 2
There were lots of other games to play :P but u cant expect a guy like me to play em all. Bah tahts abt it, wanted to tell u abt the LAN PARTY. ill update you with the TFF PACKAGED RIG in my nxt update. Do keep up the support ^^ here are some pix...

A Pic i took during the Lan Party - i had enuf room to take 1 pic of 1 table, that nite we had like 8 full tables playing :p

This is My TFF Rig heauhuaeh specs are good, but ill post it later on ^^
